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Saturday, March 21, 2009


I woke up in plenty of time to make Art class, but I didn't sleep well and my neck was killing me, so I skipped it. Instead, I queued-up a slew of Saturday morning - afternoon programming that has this particular Saturday feeling like one from my childhood.

I started out with some Abbott and Costello, then a little fantasy anime. I tried watching the Conan series, but it was awful - just... awful. So I queued-up a couple movies and have been working all morning long. This coming week, I have to do my taxes, thanks to a late W2 that just arrived a week or so back. Though still working on Dark Conspiracy, I am also doing the next project for Chill. Since no one entered our last contest, I don't know when I'll get around to Cyberpunk.

© C Harris Lynn, 2009

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